Novyye Akademiki. Dom-oranzhereya


Address: 31 Krzhizhanovsky Street

District: UZAD

Area: Kotlovka

Metro: Profsoyuznaya

Class: premium

House type: monolithic brick

Number of buildings: 8

Number of floors: 2 - 39

Ceilings: 3.05 - 3.20 m

Area sq.m: 35 -187

Number of rooms: 1

Number of rooms: 2

Number of rooms: 3

Number of rooms: 4

Finishing: without finishing

Parking: underground parking, parking lot

Safety: 24-hour concierge service

Readiness: 2027

About the complex
Facilities on the territory
Payment system

About the complex

"Novyye Akademiki. Dom-oranzhereya" residential complex is an ambitious elite class project that will decorate the south–west of Moscow, located in the Kotlovka district on an area of 2.47 hectares. The complex consists of spectacular monolithic buildings with a height of 2 to 39 floors, created according to the author's project of the Dutch architectural bureau UNStudio. This innovative approach is reflected in all aspects of construction and design, from the exterior of buildings made of durable materials – brick and metal, to a well-thought-out internal infrastructure. The facades will be decorated with clinker tiles, decorative panels, molded bricks, as well as natural and artificial stone, creating a unique architectural ensemble.

The interior spaces of the complex are also distinguished by a thoughtful concept. The spacious halls, decorated in the format of transparent atriums, are filled with natural light, creating an atmosphere of lightness and spaciousness. The developer pays special attention to creating a barrier-free environment by placing all entrance groups at the sidewalk level. New Academicians offers a wide range of living spaces, meeting the various needs and preferences of future residents.

Special attention in the project is paid to landscaping and creating a comfortable natural environment. The courtyard of the complex will become a real oasis, where, in addition to playgrounds and sports grounds, there will be stations for bird watching, as well as a variety of plants – trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses and flowers that will delight the eye with their flowering throughout the year. As part of the concept of environmental friendliness, a pavilion in the shape of a bird's nest will be built on the territory of the residential complex, creating a unique space for observing feathered inhabitants. And on the northwest side of the complex there will be a park with a running track, a climbing wall and ping-pong tables, providing residents with opportunities for outdoor activities and sports.

Facilities on the territory

  • kindergarten
  • playgrounds
  • sports
  • ground shops
  • restaurants
  • spas
  • commercial premises
  • washing facilities
  • storerooms

Payment system

  • installment payment
  • mortgage
See also
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